Advertising & Event Planning

As the Marketing Manager for events, I ​handled key tasks that helped One Player ​Mission shine. I took charge of ​negotiating prime event spaces and ​sponsorships at major gaming events ​such as Develop:Brighton. I also put my ​creative hat on, designing stand artwork ​that caught eyes and turned heads.

But it wasn't just about design - I was on the ​ground, chatting it up at the stand, making ​connections with industry folks and job ​seekers. Events were about boosting ​OPM’s reputation, and I'm proud to say we ​made some real waves within the industry.

IRL 2023 London, UK

Games Industry ‘in real-life’ Party

At IRL 2023, we sponsored a vibrant 'in real life' games industry event. ​Our contribution included setting up a gaming area - featuring our self-​branded retro gaming tables. Giving attendees somewhere to enjoy ​themselves with a drink, and us a brilliant opportunity to network.

We also partnered with MCV/Develop for the 2023 30 Under 30; ​recognising top talents in the UK games scene under the age of 30. The ​awards ceremony for this initiative took place on that night and OPM’s ​MD played a role in presenting awards. Our logo was prominently ​displayed in many areas at the event. It was a successful collaboration ​that added value to the event and increased brand awareness.

MCV/Develop Awards London, UK

Games Industry Awards Ceremony

The MCV/Develop Awards is a prestigious games i​ndustry event in London celebrating the cream of t​he crop in UK gaming. In 2023 we sponsored an awa​rd for the evening, which meant our logo was sho​wcased all over the digital content and event brandi​ng. As well as having a printed advert in the ​awards programme, OPM’s MD had the honor of pres​enting an award on s​t​age.

The cherry on top? OPM was in the running f​or the '2023 Best Recruitment Agency' Award an​d the stars aligned to clinch an award ourselves, ​making it a night we'll ne​ver forget.

Gamescom Cologne, Germany

Games Industry Trade Fair

Gamescom is Europe's largest gaming expo. We sponsored ice cream at ​the Ukie stand in the B2B section of the show. The Ukie stand is a massive ​shared space for UK games companies, so it was a great opportunity to ​showcase our brand in front of the industry’s key players. I put my creative ​skills to work by designing the ice cream stand, making sure it aligned ​perfectly with our brand colors at the time. It was a fun way to engage with ​attendees and leave a memorable impression.